Happy New Year 2025
Happy New Year to you all. Grabbed myself a bag of viruses (not sure if Covid or Flu – hard to tell these days) just over the New Years, but apart from that I’m fine. It was my goal to get the new version of the game out on the…
Happy New Year to you all. Grabbed myself a bag of viruses (not sure if Covid or Flu – hard to tell these days) just over the New Years, but apart from that I’m fine. It was my goal to get the new version of the game out on the…
A new update just went out for Pirates and Traders & Pirates and Traders: Gold. Nothing dramatic, really – although it took some time – but an Android SDK update was required in order to keep the game(s) alive on Google Play. It should now be good for another few…
My blogging skills haven’t improved, but the latest update rolling out requires a few words to accompany it, so here we are. Firstly, v0.625 (as the version will be known) changes some of the underlying mechanics surrounding the handling of relations – both for the relations between characters, between characters…
So 2022 is coming to a close. Another busy year, where things have several times slowed down to a crawl (for example during the last 5-6 weeks before Christmas). It’s annoying, but it’s unfortunately not something I can do a lot about at the moment. The problem is not that…
I’ll keep the preamble short: work is progressing on P&T2, but not – as those of you who follow development – as fast anyone would like. The main reasons are the usual, so I won’t go into those again and just write a bit about what is happening. One part…